About Kelly Kass
Kelly Kass has more than 20 years of editorial experience. At 19, she was profiling local television stars for a chain of Brooklyn newspapers. One year later she was proofreading scripts and organizing video shoots for the “U.S. Open Preview Show” on WCBS-TV.
After graduating from Hofstra University with a degree in journalism in 1995, Kelly began a successful career in media. She held positions at 1010 WINS News, CBS Sports and Lifetime Television before diving into the world of corporate communication.
From 2000-2006, Kelly worked at a large events company in New York, collaborating with creative teams to deliver effective employee communication for pharmaceutical clients through corporate video. Kelly produced candids videos for the agency and was a contributing editor to the company newsletter. The agency presented her with an employee recognition award in 2005.
In 2006, Kelly joined simply-communicate. As Global Editor of the London-based online business magazine, she led a team of writers, publishing best practice case studies in internal communication to enhance productivity in companies around the world. Kelly also wrote and produced monthly video webinars, and partnered with Dow Jones to produce white papers on communication best practices.
Now an independent communications specialist, Kelly currently works with large healthcare organizations and human services agencies, delivering Web content to engage their employees and broaden their reach into the community. She recently completed a long-term contract with New York City Health + Hospitals, where she helped to re-brand its anti-gun violence campaign, Guns Down, Life Up, through powerful social media messaging, intranet stories and a website launch. Additionally, Kelly grew the social media presence for The Fund, creating awareness about vital programs affecting 1.4 million New Yorkers.
On the academic side, Kelly is a contributor to the Gower Handbook of Internal Communication and Exploring Internal Communication. In addition to leading webinars about employee communication for the PR Academy in London, Kelly’s writing has been featured in the curriculum of The Alberta Distance Learning Center in Canada. She has also judged many international awards competitions, including McMurry’s Strategic Video Awards and the 2013 PRISM Awards, recognizing exemplary communication management. A longtime blogger, Kelly enjoys writing about freelance life in New York City at kellykass73.wordpress.com.
She also serves on the Board of Advisors for Council for Unity.